The Chief Officers of PAIS are Laura De Santis and Timothy Naish:
Dr. Laura De Santis
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
34010 Sgonico (TS)
Tel: +39 40 214 0358
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
34010 Sgonico (TS)
Tel: +39 40 214 0358
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Prof. Timothy Naish
Antarctic Research Centre
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 463 6587 / Fax: +64 4 463 5186
Antarctic Research Centre
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 463 6587 / Fax: +64 4 463 5186
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