SC2 Probing the Solid Earth and its Interactions




Exploit geodetic and geophysical in-situ (ground-based and near-surface) techniques in Antarctica to provide measurements of a number of processes and/or parameters, such as geodetic GNSS, seismology, tide gauges, airborne gravimetry, magnetometry and radar echo sounding, ground-based gravimetry, magnetotellurics, distributed acoustic sensing;

Improve the cooperation between scientists from different disciplines being active in realising in-situ geodetic and geophysical measurements in Antarctica as well as between “observers” and “modellers”;

Key questions include:

  • Which observations are needed by modellers to improve the observational basis and to deliver (more and better) constraints for the modelling?
  • How can observations be combined to reveal interrelations within processes or between different processes that (otherwise) remain hidden?
  • How can findings resulting from an improved modelling feed back to better process geodetic and geophysical data?
  • How can funding be acquired to secure observational infrastructure and logistic support, taking into account to reduce carbon footprint?
  • How can scientists of other disciplines be trained to carry out specific observations and/or support to set-up special equipment in order to optimize efforts and costs of field work in Antarctica?


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Technische Universität Dresden (DE)

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Weisen SHEN

Stony Brook University, New York (USA)